Here you see tree photography edited by various light spectrums, so that the hidden spirit of the trees can reach out and tell their story to you.
See the unseen and connect deeply to the essence of nature within.

An ancient tree in the midst of the public is standing alone, silent and unseen - but for open hearts he reveals his mystic world and divine entities.
"SpecTree"; Cyprus, 2022.
Two trees at Autumn reveal their shamanic essence to transmit spiritual powers to those who have eyes to see.
"Autumn's Shaman"; Germany, 2021.
A Willow-tree in the shadows through which the sun is shining - reveals the Anubis within, the God of justice between light and darkness.
"Willow's Anubis"; Cyprus, 2022.
A Willow-tree reveales his dragonheart and radiates lightning like a thunderstorm within our mind.
"Willow's Dragonfire"; Cyprus, 2022.
A White-thorn-tree on the fields is connected by the sun to his brothers and sisters, including ourselves.
"Whitethorn's Channeling"; Germany, 2021.
A Willow-tree through which the sun is shining reveals his face and soaks up the souls from the darkness into the light. Contemplate its transformation.
"Willow's Resurrection"; Germany, 2021.
Olive-trees gets radiated by the sun and awakens the ancient shamans to guide us through the sun-ray portal to heaven.
"Sun-ray's Portal"; Cyprus, 2022.
Tree Spirits


Tree Spirits
